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Imagery in Hemingway's Cat in the Rain - Essay Example A thump at the entryway gets the house keeper with a feline her hands which th...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about Causes of the French Revolution - 640 Words
The French Revolution was caused by many factors; some were significant and played a large role while others were of minor consequence. France was one of the richest and most powerful nations even though they were facing some economic difficulties. The French Revolution was a pivotal period in the history of French, European and Western civilization. During this period of time there was the formation of republicanism which replaced the absolute monarchy in France. Before the French Revolution Louis XVI was in power, but in due time his old regime of absolute monarchy was brought down. Some people were in favor of this revolution wanting equality and some were not. One person who was in favor of this desire for equality and change wasâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦When prices got so high that peasants and other third estate citizens couldnt afford food there was an inevitable uprising. The peasantry became a class with the ambition to counteract social inequity and put a stop to escal ating food prices. This unrest caused a riot, known as the bread riot, which became a central cause to the French Revolution. Economics also played an important role in the French Revolution. In France there was an abundance of debt and taxation. The French monarchy managed their fiscal affairs by using an unequal system of taxation, borrowing money, or selling noble titles and other privileges. This led to a long running fiscal debt. France could not solely rely on tariffs to generate income. Although other countries had higher taxation rates, the burden on the common people was greater in France. Peasants and other third estates were taxed harshly which in good times was burdensome and in bad times it was devastating. Nobility and clergy were exempted from paying taxes. This left the peasants, wage earners, and the professional and business classes with the burden of taxes. This burden caused the unrest, which eventually led to the French Revolution. Many things caused the French Revolution. I believe that absolutism and privilege, famine, and economics were three of the most significant factors causing the French Revolution. These three elements led people to be unhappy with the current government and want to overthrow it.Show MoreRelatedCauses Of The French Revolution1119 Words à |à 5 PagesThe French Revolution The French Revolution of 1789 was one of the biggest upheavals in history. You may be wondering what exactly led this to happen, but there were multiple long range causes. Political, social, and economic conditions ultimately led to the discontent of many French people especially those of the third estate. The ideals of the Enlightenment brought new views to government and society. Before the revolution, the majority of France were living in poverty. Peasants were entirelyRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution906 Words à |à 4 PagesThe French Revolution began with a corrupt monarch, and ended with the death of thousands. In 1789 the bourgeoisie (middle class) and peasants revolted against King Louis XVI and nobility, citing various reasons as cause: including corruption and a poor economy. These people, making up 97% of the population, were known as the third estate. The original purpose of the revolution was to create a constitutional monarchy, but this idea quickly became lost in the radical ideas of the revolution. HoweverRead MoreCauses of the French Revolution991 Words à |à 4 PagesFor six of the eight causes of revolution, describe two events, actions or beliefs (evidence) during the years before the French Revolution that led to a developing revolutionary situation. Explain how each contributed to the revolutionary situation. Frances failed attempts at economic reform contributed heavily to the developing revolutionary situation. In August 1787, when the parlements refused to implement the Kings proposed changes to the financial system, it became clear that the Kings authorityRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution911 Words à |à 4 PagesThe French Revolution was a major turning point in all of European history. The old regime was destroyed and a new order came to be. We will talk about the causes of the revolution, when it ended, and if it was violent, Napoleon, what happened after his defeat, and some other leaders, and movies I have seen about the Revolution and how they were correct, plus other things I want to learn. The immediate cause of the French Revolution in 1789 was the near collapse of the French budget. On theRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution750 Words à |à 3 PagesA revolution is a drastic change in the way something is done, such as a government or an economy. One such revolution took place in France where the government was changed several times, many different people obtained power, and traditional ideas were questioned. The French Revolution had many social, political, and economic factors that caused it, and it was very impactful on the people of France, and on the areas outside of it. There were many causes of the French Revolution; some were politicalRead MoreThe Causes Of The French Revolution902 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe French Revolution was not caused by one single phenomenon, however it can be said that the events occurring in accordance with the French Revolution were not only terrifying but when looking through our eyes just clearly wrong. The most significant reasons for the French Revolution are the imbalance of equality, power, and rights these reasons are supported by the ideas of liberty and fraternity which developed from the enlightenment era philosophers. In conclusion to the French Revolution theRead MoreFrench Revolution Causes1139 Words à |à 5 Pages The French Revolution was not an event that happened overnight but rather a series of events that occurred over several years leading up to the overthrow of the monarchy and the implementation of a new government. The Primary cause for the fall of the Ancien regime was its financial instability and inability to improve upon the lives of the French people. The 4 key flaws or events leading to the fall of the regime was; the structure of royal government, the taxation system, the structure of frenchRead MoreThe Causes Of The French Revolution1522 Words à |à 7 PagesThe French Revolution The French Revolution was arguably one of the most significant and controversial events in European history. It occurred during the years 1789-1799 when many French citizens became enraged with society and demanded political, financial and social change. The French peopleââ¬â¢s primary goal was to put an end to monarchy and bring reform to many aspects of French life. Inspired and motivated by the famous American Revolution, French citizens were urged to take action in orderRead MoreCauses of the French Revolution3450 Words à |à 14 PagesTHE FRENCH REVOLUTION (1789-1799) The French Revolution was a watershed event that changed Europe irrevocably and ended a century of slowly increasing opposition to absolutism and the supremacy of a decadent aristocracy. The causes of the French Revolution are difficult to pin down. Therefore, we will divide them into long-term and immediate causes. Within long-term causes, we will also define intellectual, political and economic causes. Long-Term Intellectual Causes Before a movement can reachRead MoreThe Cause Of The French Revolution2375 Words à |à 10 PagesThe Cause of the French Revolution Throughout history, what remains true is that the people are the ones who start a revolution. And when around 98% of a population is suffering to make a living, there is little hope for those in power. Taxes levied only on the common folk, crippling wars that left France with huge debts, and the careless spending of the upper classes ultimately lead to the start of the revolution. The main political cause was that the King had too much power but weak foreign policy
Monday, December 16, 2019
Merchant of Venice - Feminist Perspective. - 1498 Words
The feminist critical perspective examines the roles that women play in literary works and their true significance to the text. Their roles are usually decided on by the society or time period in which the story is set. In The Merchant of Venice, females were suppressed by the societal ideals of Shakespeares Elizabethan era, which is portrayed through the characters of Portia and Jessica, who could not establish their own powerful identities because they were women. Portia and Jessica are the main female characters in the play. If they had been given a chance to show their skills, they undoubtedly wouldve been extremely strong women. However, they had to mask their abilities in order to appeal to their male counterparts. Theirâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The suitors lasciviously desired Portia for her beauty and wealth. If they could win her as a wife, their reputations and futures would be set. The first suitor to try his luck at the riddle of the caskets was the Prince of Morocco . He chose the gold casket which had an inscription that read: Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire (II.vii.5). This shows that Morocco was a greedy man who desired Portia for materialistic reasons, just like many other men who would desire the gold too. The second suitor to attempt the riddle was the Prince of Arragon, who chose the silver casket. Like Morrocco, Arragon was quite superficial. I will assume desert. Give me a key for this / And instantly unlock my fortunes here (II.ix.52). He saw Portia as merely a free ride to financial security. He didnt want her because he loved or cared for her. He only wanted her for her money and power. Women were a prize which men displayed and flaunted. A woman had no true value as a person. A recurring event in the play was the women disguising themselves as men. This is symbolic of the suppression of the women by their male counterparts. They had to mask their true abilities under the guise of men. There was no way in Elizabethan society for a woman to be successful in any field other than wifehood or motherhood. In Act II, Jessica was finally rebelling against the strict rules of Shylock. She was taking extreme measures in order to elope with Lorenzo.Show MoreRelated Father-Daughter Relationships in Sidneyââ¬â¢s The Countess of Pembrokeââ¬â¢s Arcadia, Marloweââ¬â¢s The Jew of Malta, and Shakespeareââ¬â¢s The Merchant of Venice3187 Words à |à 13 PagesFather-Daughter Relationships in Sidneyââ¬â¢s The Countess of Pembrokeââ¬â¢s Arcadia, Marloweââ¬â¢s The Jew of Malta, and Shakespeareââ¬â¢s The Merchant of Venice Justification for the subjugation of females to males during the sixteenth century came from a variety of sources. Ranging from the view that God gave Adam authority over Eve as penalty for the fall, to a belief in the superiority of a husbandsââ¬â¢ physical strength over that of his wife, attempts at rationalization of the restricted freedom of womenRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Othello By William Shakespeare1824 Words à |à 8 Pagesintention for marrying a man of Othelloââ¬â¢s was to escape her own racial constraints on gender (women). She implied that marriage to a man of another color will aid her escape from white Venice. However, she expressed her disappointment thus, ââ¬Å"I thought if I marry this strange dark man, I can leave this narrow little Venice with its whispering piazzas behind ââ¬â I can escapeâ⬠¦but under that exotic faà §ade was a porcelain white Venetianâ⬠(242). Desdemona is allowed to exercise control over her own sexualityRead More Portrayal of Women in William Shakespeares Plays Essay3560 Words à |à 15 PagesWilliam Shakespeares characterization of women varies immensely from one comedy to another. In his works, Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice, and Much Ado About Nothing, he portrays both dominant and submissive women. Ultimately, Shakespeare examines the complexity of women by displaying the vast array of attitudes, emotions, and their treatment and reaction to men as well as refuting the typical subservient wife role. In Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew, the difficultiesRead MoreEssay on A Feminist Perspective of William Shakespeare1506 Words à |à 7 PagesA Feminist Perspective of Shakespeare à à à à Although William Shakespeare reflects and at times supports the English Renaissance stereotypes of women and men and their various roles and responsibilities in society, he is also a writer who questions, challenges, and modifies those representations. His stories afford opportunities not only to understand Renaissance culture better but also to confront our own contemporary generalizations about gender, especially what it means to be female. In hisRead MoreThe Renaissance Period3406 Words à |à 14 Pageslimitless capabilities of the human mind. By this it is recognised that different cultures and opinions are important as every human has a different view or belief on a particular topic. This influenced and helped shape the Renaissance as different perspectives and impressions of everyday life have evolved so that they can be interpreted differently. Although main area in which this occurred was in the arts and literature, as different styles were developing , it c an be incorporated into most aspectsRead MoreOthello - Values and Attitudes2518 Words à |à 11 Pagesis set in is representative of the writers context. The attitudes and values that Shakespeare reveals through the text are those same attitudes and values of Elizabethan society in England in the sixteenth-century. Although Othello is set in Venice and Cyprus, the attitudes and values shared in the text are probably reflective of the attitudes and values of Shakespeares own society. It is difficult to assess the attitudes and values of people in sixteenth-century Britain to the relativelyRead MoreGender Stereotypes in Othello Essay2033 Words à |à 9 Pagesresults in the betrayal and downfall of many of the characters. The inclusion of such a destructive ending is Shakespeareââ¬â¢s dissatisfaction with the cruel and deceptive nature of societal gender stereotypes and the outcomes that they can have. The perspective of dominance as an idealistic trait for men is also instilled in Othello. His dominance displays a possessive nature, as he tends to objectify and idealize Desdemona. As he struggles to cope with the idea that his perfect wife may be committingRead MoreThe Theme Of Homo Eroticism Within The Play As You Like It And How It Differs From Various Other3688 Words à |à 15 Pagesbui lds both upon feminist challenges to the idea that gender is part of the essential self and upon gay/lesbian studies close examination of the socially acknowledged nature of sexual acts and identities. Whereas gay/lesbian studies focused its inquiries into natural and unnatural behaviour with respect to homosexual behaviour, queer theory expands its focus to encompass any kind of sexual activity or identity that falls into normative and deviant categories. Italian feminist and film theorist
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Sustainable Marketing and Management â⬠Free Samples for Students
Question: Explain on Sustainable Marketing and Management? Answer: Introducation This report is based on the Tassal Company that produce the Atlantic Salmon in Australia. The main focus of the company is to provide the fresh and healthy Salmon on the tables of the people of Australia. The strength of the company is the passion and dedication of the employees working at Tassal. Around 800 employees are working in this organization. A Tassal company is the leader for the production of the Atlantic Salmon in the Australia. The company listed on the ASX after the establishment of the Marine site in 1986. The company is into operational activities like- farming, hatching, processing and selling of the Salmon in Australia (Tassal Team, 2017). Throughout the years, the company has become one of the best renowned companies in the salmon production sector. As this company is the major manufacturer of Salmon in Australian region. The different types of products offered by the Salmon Company are as follows- Fresh Smoked Canned Frozen The Tassal Company is located at Melbourne. Talking about the competitors, then Huon Aquaculture and Petuna Seafoods are the companies doing the same business in Australia. A Tassal has performed all its activities in an excellent manner. The company also maintains its core values for the sustainable growth. Business Environment at Tassal A Tassal is very much concerned about the impacts of the environmental factors on the business. The sustainability strategy of the Tassal highly depends on the environmentally responsible practices. The aim of the company is to protect the environment and enhance the same for the new generation. The business environment of the Tassal Company removes the risks from the business by adopting risk mitigation strategies as well as by managing the adaptive management approaches (World Ocean Review, 2017). Impact of the Environmental factors (PEST Analysis) The environmental factors that affect the Tassal business are political, economic, Social and legal factors. Political factors cannot be ignored as they need full attention. The government sets rules or put some restrictions on the trade policies for the entry of the food items to the international markets. Talking about the current trends, the government is decreasing the jobs in the government sector to promote the private sector jobs. (Government, 2016). The political factors should be analyzed before introducing any product in the market to check the current situation of the country. Sometimes, the situation of the global market is highly affected by the policies of the government. It is very important to compare the policies of the two countries before introducing Tassals product in the international market. The compatibility is enhanced with the help of this comparison. The internal and the external factors are covered under the legal factors. The laws of the countries are different in nature depending upon the legal system of the country. To ignore the future misconceptions, it is important to learn about the laws of the country. The Socio-cultural issues are related to the many issues like trends, tastes and preferences of the consumers, population, shared values, demographics, etc. and all these may change with the passage of time. All these factors are essential for the brand value of the Tassal Company. It is observed that the Australian people are more conscious about the brand name and no matter about the type of product. The culture of the country also needs to be analyzed before launching the Tassal products in the market. (Services, 2014). Level of Competition The competition level of Tassal is not that much high, as there are only two main competitors in Australia. These competitors are Huan and Petuna Seafoods. The Tassal is performing well in the international business market as compared to these companies. The Tassal adopts marketing mix strategies to gain the competitive advantage. Planning at Tassal Mission: - The mission of the company is to deliver the quality product to the community, people and the business environment for the sustainable health and wellbeing of the customers. Vision: - The Tassal Companys tag line To create a better tomorrow depicts the vision of the company. Core values: - The value`s of the Tassal company represent the company commitments, attitudes, how it works and the product quality. There are 5 Ps assumed to be the core values of the Tassal. These are people, product, planet, process and profit. Goal setting practices The goal setting practices of the Tassal revolve around the two main goals of the company. The company has two goals set for the growth of the company. One is zero harm and second is to provide the food quality. The company committed to zero harm for everyone and committed to a safety agenda for the heath and well being of the employees, customers and investors. Types of planning There are 3 types of approaches towards planning and they are traditional, modern, and innovative. The best approach that is used by the company is an innovative approach towards planning. The company always adopts new strategies to produce the healthy and fresh salmon at Tassal. The Tassal also follow the innovative approach to promote the products in the international market. The company started the production of the Atlantic Salmon in 1984. The company followed the proper planning like the Tassal Company purchased an Atlantic Egg from Gaden Hatchery to start the farming industry for Atlantic Salmon (FRDC, 2014). After that the Sea farm was established in Dover. The company continues to operate through this sea farm. After its production, The Company started supply their products in the retail stores and supermarkets. The Tassal Company is also planning to deliver its products directly to hotels and restaurants. Sustainability practices The sustainability practices of the Tassal are helpful in taking the right decisions. The sustainability practices of the Tassal that company focused on are wildlife interactions, waste management, climate changes, community engagement, water quality management, etc. all these practices plays an important role in taking the right decisions for the implementation of the plans (Commonwealth of Australia , 2015). Human resource management It is very important to set the objectives in the mind before any human resource planning. The planning is said to be successful only when these goals and objectives are achieved. The process of selection of the employees in the Tassal is fair and as per the plan recreational activities will be arranged for the line managers make them happy (Ryan, 2016). Performance management The Tassal Company uses the one most important approach to manage the human resources in the organization. That approach is the performance management applied on the employees. Performance management means managing the work and performance of the employees. According to this approach, the employees working at Tassal are judged on the basis of their weekly, monthly performance in the organization. The company is offering the attractive rewards to the employees to motivate and encourage them (Fitzgerald, 2013). The monetary or non-monetary awards should be given to the employees to motivate them and to build a long term relation with the employees. It is very important to distribute the profits of the company among the workers for the successful working of the employees. The bonus is also distributed by many companies on the basis of the year, half year or quarterly depending upon the type of company. With the help of this approach the companies ensure about the working of the employee s at Tassal. The organizational goals of the Tassal can be achieved only when the employees working here are motivated and encouraged (Office, 2016). Every employee seeks for the performance appraisal if he or she performed very well in the company. The performance management of the Tassal involves into 3 parts planning, supporting and then reviewing. All the employees need motivation to perform well in the Tassal Company and they need some suggestions at this stage. The employee behavior should be correct to achieve the objectives and goals of the company. The performance review ends with the evaluation of the previous effects of the performances of the employees in caring the quality of the Atlantic Salmo (Battaglene, et al., 2008). Leadership Leadership is very important for the management analysis of the Tassal Company. The leadership strategy is effective that depends on the situation and style of the leadership. There are many styles of the leaderships, for example- Autocratic, transformational, etc. The styles of leadership followed by the organization are different in nature depending upon the working environment of the Tassal Company. Participative leadership style Autocratic and transformational styles are the most used styles, but the Tassal company use participative style of the leadership. This style is used by the leaders to influence the employees and motivate the employees to work hard to receive the rewards from the company. This is not specific that every company follows the same style (McCallum, 2015). The Tassal company determined its requirements and the employees then the company apply these styles in the organization .There are many companies using more than one style and some companies using only one leadership style. Some of them companies are those that do the experiments by changing the styles every year. The leadership style can be changed on the basis of the changing needs of the employees and the organization. Need of the Leadership strategy The need of leadership strategy arises to solve the problems. The main issue found in the Tassal is the division of work, delegation of duties and supervise them. Moreover, the other reason is that the human resource in Tassal has different needs, interests and ideas. To fit all these employees into the Tassal, company needs leadership strategy. It is very difficult to analyze that which company is used which style of leadership in the Australian market. But the above leadership styles are really helpful to resolve the problems of the companies. The leaders are the people who motivate the employees and make them realize about their potential and ability. The Tassal Company adopted participative style and the company offers many incentives for the top performer in the company. The incentives given to the employees will automatically improve the process of the retention of the employees. Controlling Value chain and Technology The management of the value chain and use of technology in the supply chain management are the important part of the management analysis. The quantity that is produced by the Tassal is around 60,000 ton only in Australia. The new technologies are used to manage the inventory of the Tassal. The Tassal Company spends huge amount of money on the production of the salmon as well as the distribution networks and the infrastructure (Fitzgerald, 2013). Supply chain management Supply Chain Management is important for the successful growth of the business of the Tassal. The management of the supply chain helps to check the quantity of Salmon that is delivered to the retail stores. Moving further, the Tassal should check the retail stores in Australia also. The requirements of the stores need to be fulfilled. The service of delivering the goods to the retail stores should be fast and quick. The quick service of the goods depends upon the location of the production houses. The Tassal production houses are mostly located at the marine site and far away from the supermarkets or public places. Because of this reason, the fast services of shipment of the Stock is not easy for Tassal. The workers are the one who took the responsibilities to manage the stock. The needs of the people are changing with time and it is important to analyze the demand and stock of the Atlantic Salmon (Nic, 2012). Technology used in SCM There are many technologies that are used by Tassal to check and control the supply chain. Bar code is the technology that helps to check the availability of the inventory. The barcodes are in the form of standing lines with numbers printed on the packets of the products. At the time of billing of the products, these barcodes are scanned by the scanners which in return helps to analyze the information related to the product. Apart of this, there is also one technology used to check and track the orders. The company is also able to track the orders and the status of the delivery orders. The technology is Flashview used to manage the inventory , tracking of the data and important information. Recommendations It has been that the Tassal follows many strategies to analyze the management in the company. These are the planning, HR planning, Leadership and the supply chain management at Tassal. There are some of the recommendations given to improve the many strategies as well as to achieve the mission of the Tassal: The Tassal Company should make some changes or improvement in the risk mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of any loss to the company that is related to the management of the Tassal. The Tassal should conduct the adequate research to know the actual demand of the Salmon in the Australia food industry. This will helps to increase the consumption of the Salmon (Araya Krishnan, 2014). The leadership strategies used by the Tassal should be focused more to look after the performance of the employees. The tastes and the preferences of the consumers and the demand of the Atlantic Salmon is changing and can be identified by the surveys and interviews at restaurants, hotels and the supermarket retail stores and then the company should plan accordingly to meet these changing demands. To maintain the business environment, the company should implement best practice infrastructure and fish health capacity, focusing on impact mitigation and stakeholder engagement, Conclusion The report explained all the management analysis of the Tassal Company. The Tassal is the biggest producer of the seafood as well as the Atlantic Salmon. There are many environmental factors that affect the business practices of the Tassal. These factors are political, economical, social and legal. The purpose of this report is to analyze the management strategies adopted by the Tassal to achieve the objectives and goals of the company. The main goals of the Tassal Company are good quality of food as well as to set the safety agenda for zero harm to the employees, investors and people of Australia. The demand of the Seafood and Salmon is very high in the Australia and this is the beneficial for the growth of the company. The company should focus more on the management activities of the company to provide the quick services as well as the good quality of food to its final customers. The Tassal should improve its strategies and should use more innovative ideas to meet the changing need s and expectations of the company. Overall, the performance of the company is good in comparison to its competitors References Araya, T. Krishnan, M., 2014. SWOT analysis and recommended policies and strategies of Eritrean fisheries, Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274717323_SWOT_ANALYSIS_AND_RECOMMENDED_POLICIES_AND_STRATEGIES_OF_ERITREAN_FISHERIES Battaglene, S., Carter, C. Hobday, A., 2008. Scoping Study into Adaptation of the Tasmanian Salmonid Aquaculture Industry to Potential Impacts of Climate Change, Available at: https://www.imas.utas.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/743304/Salmonid_Climate_Change_Final_Report_Distribution.pdf Commonwealth of Australia , 2015. Australias seafood trade, Available at: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/fisheries/aus-seafood-trade.pdf Fitzgerald, M., 2013. Successful strategies for sustainable salmon, Available at: https://www.foodanddrinkbusiness.com.au/news/successful-strategies-for-sustainable-salmon FRDC, 2014. How does the size of the Australian seafood industry compare to others around the world?, Available at: https://www.frdc.com.au/knowledge/q_and_as/Pages/size-of-Australian-seafood-industry-compare.aspx Government, A., 2016. Aquaculture industry in Australia, Available at: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/fisheries/aquaculture/aquaculture-industry-in-australia McCallum, A., 2015. Tassal sustainabilioty report 2015, Available at: https://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20160520/pdf/437d3rpd11wf2t.pdf Nic, A., 2012. SWOT Analysis: Fisherie, Available at: https://andssw1.and.nic.in/rti/Fisheries/17%20_b_%20SWOT%20Analysis.pdf Office, T. C. C., 2016. Adapting to a changing climate Case Study, Available at: https://www.dpac.tas.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/216322/Tassal_-_Adaptation_Case_Study.pdf Ryan, M., 2016. Tassal MD CEO on FY2016 results and growth outlook, s.l.: s.n. Services, S. G., 2014. Report for Tassal Operations Pty Ltd:, Available at: https://www.asc-aqua.org/upload/3_20141107_Tassal%20Operations_Huon%20Region%20%28Tin%20Pot%20Point%20Farm%20%20Patridge%20Island%20Farm%29_FINAL.pdf Tassal Team, 2017. Tassal official website. [Online] Available at: https://www.tassal.com.au/about-us/ World Ocean Review, 2017. Toward more sustainable fisheries. [Online] Available at: https://worldoceanreview.com/en/wor-1/fisheries/sustainable-fishing-industry/
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Major Essays - The Salvation Army, Major Barbara,
Major Barbara By George Bernard Title: Major Barbara Author: George Bernard Shaw Setting: The play extends over three days in January 1906. The beginning starts in the library of Lady Britomart, the estranged wife of Andrew Undershaft. It then continues with a visit to the West Ham Shelter of the Salvation Army. The play finally concludes at the Undershaft Empire, the munitions' factory. Plot: Lady Britomart invites her estranged husband, Andrew Undershaft, over to reacquaint him with his children, Stephen, Sarah, and Barbara. Lady Britomart is in need of more money to support their daughters and their intended's, Charles Lomax and Adolphus Cusins. Barbara tries to convert her father and save his soul. While Andrew will convert his daughter, Barbara to his side. Cast of Key Characters Major Barbara Undershaft "Conformist" [Barbara to Lady Britomart 65] Lady Britomart has just informed the girls, Sarah and Barbara, that their father, Andrew Undershaft, will be arriving at any time. She has already informed Stephen Undershaft. Since it has been a long time ago, when they were babies, that Andrew has seen the children she wishes for them to be on their best behavior. Lady Brit wants to ask Andrew for money for the girls and their intended's, Charles Lomax and Adolphus Cusins; therefore, she has asked them to be there also. To accommodate her mother she attempts to conform to a ladylike appearance. Quote: "All right, mother. We'll do you credit. [She comes off the table, and sits in her chair with ladylike elegance]." "Director" [Barbara to Shirley 83] Bill Walker has just assaulted two women, Rummy and Jenny Hill, at the West Ham Shelter. He is looking for his woman. Barbara comes out to take the names of the people who have arrived and to save their souls. She takes control of the situation in a professional way. She directs Shirley to sit down and for the gentlemen there to give her their names, addresses, and trades. Barbara is trying to put order back to the disorder that had just occurred. Quote: "Sit down: make yourself at home. [He hesitates; but she puts a friendly hand on his shoulder and makes him obey]. Now then! Since you've made friends with us, we want to know all about you. Names and addresses and trades." "Conniver" [Barbara to Bill Walker 84] Shirley has given Barbara his name and trade. She then turns to Bill to give his name. Bill refuses to give his name to her. She then tries to coax it out of him, by making a note in her book and calling him chicken basically. Quote: "[calmly making a note] Afraid to give his name. Any trade? "Caregiver" [Barbara to Jenny 87] Barbara has been talking with Bill about what he had done earlier to the women and trying to get him to see the light. Bill tells her he is looking for his woman, Mog. Barbara tells him where she is but it won't do him any good to go to get here back she has found another man. She will more then likely convert him, because that is how she won her new bow. She decides to let him think about this for awhile and turns her attentions to Jenny. With sincere concern she asks if Jenny is all right and comforts her with a gentle touch. Quote: "Poor little Jenny! Are you tired? Does it hurt?" "Oppressor" [Barbara to Bill 89] Barbara has been talking with her father about how he and Shirley are both Secularists. Andrew says his religion is that of a millionaire. She says she is wrong they don't have anything in common then. Barbara dismisses Shirley and turns to her father. He asks about Bill. She says they will convert him in time. She seems to read Bill's mind when she says she is sure her would like to smash Mog's head in. He is amazed that she knew what he was thinking. She tries to scare him by saying that his new companion is the devil. And when the devil comes round he depresses people like him. Quote: "The devil, Bill. When he gets round people they get miserable, just like you." "Fanatic" [Barbara to Bill 90] Barbara is hell bent on saving Bill's soul she keeps talking to him about the terrible thing he has done, hitting a good soul like Jenny Hill. She has become relentless. Telling him to hold out against the conversion and that he hasn't a heart. She is playing on his guilt to make him
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